Meet Sissy: the new owner of FSB!

Meet Sissy: the new owner of FSB!

First and foremost- Hi! I'm Sissy Collins. Driven by my passion for beauty, style, and fashion, and my desire to be close to my grandbabies as they grow up, I decided to sell my salon in Conway, AR, move to Shreveport, and purchase Favorite Sisters' Boutique! Saying I'm excited is an understatement. Alex has done an amazing job creating and running this fabulous boutique, and my goal is to follow closely in her footsteps. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, especially my grandkids. If you have them you know exactly what I mean! Doing activities like hiking, kayaking, and playing tennis rank a close second. I can't wait to dive in to the boutique world, meet all of you loyal  customers, and continue providing the same quality shopping experience that Favorite Sisters' has maintained for so many years. Here's to being the newest member of this incredible team! See you all soon. 


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